ThanksGiving in Paris


over the past week and a half in paris, i’ve been working with the legendary malian producer cheik tidiane seck who invited me to sit in on his final mixing sessions for malian diva oumou sangare’s new record.  oumou was gracious and warm.  every smile or word she passed my way made me feel like we were sisters simply sitting down for tea after years of not seeing one other.   two days later i found myself at la cigale watching ismael lo, one of senegal’s most treasured voices.  when he sang the song “africa” i was completely overwhelmed with emotion and began to write with some sort of stream of consciousness.  in that moment, i heard the insistent whisper of reaffirmation that my voice is not mine alone, but one of those from a continent that has long been oppressed, forgotten, and denied.  artists like cheik, oumou, and ismael have kept so many people inspired over the years, and i give thanks for them. often times i wonder if i’ll ever reach as many people as i dream of…

washed over with light and sound

the night’s truth seemed thicker than the air

i saw yesterday staring back at my future

and i knew i’d never again sing alone

as i never did

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3 Responses to ThanksGiving in Paris

  1. Kahindo says:

    Salut Somi,

    Wow I just got chills from reading your 2 last posts. Through you I’m experiencing the Afropolitan culture, and I love it. You looked beautiful in your dress at the Awards show. BTW I’m heading home in a couple of weeks so I need your measures. Ok ciao for now. Bissous. Kahindo

  2. Vivian says:

    Somi – I’ve been so excited to read your posts and to be kept in the loop on your life. We met only briefly last Jan in NY at the APAP conference – remember? I was going in and you needed in. Chance meeting? Nope, divine. I wish you love, peace and prosperity as you gift the world with your voice (inner and external). Thank you for sharing your world and blessing us with your gifts.

  3. Accidentally ended up on your myspace. Enjoyed your music and found your blog. Fabulous. Thanks for sharing some of your life. Look forward to seeing lots more pictures of your musical travels.
    Bless you heaps

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